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Does your roof need to be repaired? Are you thinking about repairing it yourself? Do-it-yourself projects, popularly known as DIY, are everywhere you look in our world. Make furniture from pallets, create a backyard fire pit, or maybe you want to re-landscape your garden. Whatever the project you have, you are sure to find a DIY guide. But should we be doing all our projects on our own? The answer is no. There are specific projects that offer you more benefits by having it professionally done. Your home’s roof is a vital component in protecting the structure from wear and tear as well as harsh outside elements, especially in Michigan’s moist climate. This article has been created to warn you of the potential consequences of attempting to repair your roof yourself and highlight the benefits of choosing a professional. Let’s look at the choice between do-it-yourself roof repair or hiring a professional roofing company.  

The Hazards of DIY Roof Repair

Some of us love the idea of completing home projects by ourselves while others only attempt DIY out of perceived necessity. Whether you are a person who loves completing DIY projects or you are doing it in an attempt to lower cost and save yourself some money, roof repair is best left to the professionals. Below, you will find several consequences (some devastating) you may face if attempting DIY roof repair.  

Physical Harm: Working on roofs comes with a handful of hazards. Starting with height, a fall could cause physical harm or even death. Experienced roofers have had extensive training in using safety equipment like harnesses, guardrails, and ladder stabilizers. Training is also important when it comes to using tools like nail guns. Most professional roofing companies also train their employees on first aid and what to do in a potential roofing accident. 

Not Meeting Code: If your roof repair project turns into a replacement, doing it yourself could cause big trouble. Not having a proper permit or following local code guidelines can lead to legal problems, costly fines, or even impact future insurance claims.  

Additional Damage: Without the expertise of a professional, your DIY roof repair could potentially lead to additional damage. Additional damage comes with increased cost and also leads to more time spent on the project. Perhaps the most severe consequence is structural damage that may not be present immediately but cause devastating problems down the road.

Unsatisfactory Results: Let’s face it, we pay professionals for a reason. Not being a roofer by trade, you may not be familiar with or even have the proper tools. Not knowing how to operate the equipment correctly can lead to damage to your roofing materials, roof decking, and roofing seams, which will lead to future leaks. Lastly, the aesthetic look of your home can be damaged by improper placement or mismatching shingles, producing unsatisfactory results.   

Expert Roofing Services: The Advantages of Going Pro 

If you have been considering a DIY roof repair it would be wise to weigh the advantages of hiring a professional. There are many pros to hiring a company with roofing expertise that guarantees product and installation quality. Examine the following benefits of hiring a professional before deciding to DIY.  

Estimates and Quotes: Having an inspection and evaluation (often free of charge) by a professional roofer gives you an estimate of the cost which is an approximation of total charges. A quote establishes a contracted price that cannot be changed once agreed upon. Both of these options provide you with an expected cost, unlike a DIY project which can snowball into increased costs due to unforeseen problems.  

Warranty: A reputable company that offers quality products and services will offer product and service warranties. These warranties provide assurance and quality of the service and goods for a specified amount of time. This ensures you are getting what you pay for. There is no warranty when it comes to DIY. 

Superior Work: When you hire a professional roofer for your roofing repair, you can choose a company with experience, a good reputation, and positive reviews. This gives you the best odds of receiving top-notch work. 

Protection Against the Elements: Your roof plays such a vital role in protecting the rest of your home from the elements, the protection must be flawless. Hiring a professional company with the above-mentioned qualities guarantees the integrity of the product and service. This assures you that your home is securely protected. 

Project Deadline: How many times do you say you are going to do something just to put it off for another day? Perhaps you are not a procrastinator but things come up and life happens. Or even worse, you have run into a problem while attempting a DIY and have extended the time of your project (and increased the cost)? These scenarios are easily imagined. Time is so valuable. Hiring a professional roofing company will provide you with a project deadline ensuring your project is completed efficiently and in satisfactory time.   

The Risk is Not Worth It

Although DIY projects are fun and can be rewarding to complete, a roof repair is not a project to take on yourself. The risk of injury, additional damages, and improper repairs far outweigh the potential savings. By choosing a professional company like One Way Exteriors, a Ludington roofing services provider, you can guarantee your roof is repaired safely, to the highest of standards, and in an efficient time. Investing in a professional roofer will not only protect your home from the harsh elements but also provide peace of mind knowing that the job is done right. 


The Risks of DIY Roof Repair: Why Hiring a Professional is Worth It