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If you have never experienced a home invasion from pests you might be unaware of the damage and disease they can cause. Besides the frustration these pests bring with them, they can also be the source of severe consequences to your home and your well-being. Property damage, decreased home value, asthma, allergies, and other health risks are potential problems caused by pests. This article has been created to help you better understand pest infestations, explore how your gutter system may be the cause and source of an infestation, common pests that infest gutter systems, and the health risks and diseases they can bring with them. Not only will you learn all about pest infestation, but you will also learn how to protect your home.  

How to Spot a Problem

When we think of pests we usually picture something small and bothersome. Although small, pest infestations can cause big problems. Some pests damage your home by feasting on the structure itself. Others bring with them a host of bacteria and pathogens that can pose health risks to your family. Recognizing that you have a problem with pests is not always easy. The more aware you are of their signs, the better you can detect a problem before it gets out of control. Listed below are tell-tell signs that you may have a problem with pests in your home.

  • Droppings 
  • Unusual smells 
  • Unusual noises
  • Signs of nesting (shredded fabric, garbage, or other materials)
  • Scratches, gnaw marks, or other chewing damage 

Why the Gutter System?

Let’s face it, pests are gross, dirty little creatures. There are several reasons that pests like to hide in gutter spaces. Some pests utilize these gutter systems to gain access to your home and cause damage. Here are some examples of why pests like to hang out in your gutter spaces.  

Moisture: The purpose of your home gutters is to move moisture from rainfall, sleet, and snowmelt away from the house. This moisture, especially if it collects, can create a drinking source, and a breeding ground, and even cause rotting of the structure’s materials.

Organic Material: Having lots of trees on or near your property can cause leaves and other organic materials to collect in your gutter space. This debris offers cover for pests and as it decays, it becomes a food source for some. Clogged gutters cause moisture creating cool, dark spaces for pests to live.  

Access to Your Home: Water damage to your home’s structure can create holes allowing pests to enter. These openings into your home are going to run along the gutter system and present themselves wherever the gutter is failing. 

The Pests that Get In the Gutter

There is no shortage of bugs and little critters in most landscapes. Home-invading pests are plentiful but can vary depending on your geographical location. Climate and surrounding landscape will play a role in what pests you should be most mindful of. If you live in an area with higher temperatures and abundant rainfall, mosquitos, termites, and cockroaches might be your nemesis. If you are in cooler, dryer climates, rodents may be of a higher concern. No matter where you live, the pests below are the most commonly found in gutter systems everywhere. We will also note potential harm to your health and home by these pests.

Termites: Termites are wood-eating bugs or insects that can cause severe damage to your home. By feeding on softened wood caused by an improperly functioning gutter system, termites can do costly damage to your home. An unchecked home invasion can quickly lead to a problem with the entire neighborhood. Termites do not carry any diseases harmful to humans, they just have the potential to destroy your home. 

Mosquitos: Mosquitos like to lay their eggs in standing water and can use debris-filled gutters as a perfect haven. Unlike termites, mosquitos do not pose risks to your home’s structure. However, several species of mosquitoes are capable of transmitting disease to humans. West Nile Virus, Zika Virus, and Dengue Virus are all serious illnesses that humans can be infected with but it doesn’t stop there. Yellow fever and Malaria are also spread by mosquitoes. 

Cockroaches: Cockroaches are the double-whammy of pest infestations. They are capable of damaging your home by burrowing into the insulation, chewing on the furniture, and causing electrical damage. Not only are they destructive to your home but they also carry many types of bacteria, parasitic worms, and seven other human pathogens. These pests can cause severe allergies or asthma problems, especially in the vulnerable like children and the elderly. 

Rodents: Mice are what some people’s nightmares are made of. Accessing your home through holes created by too much moisture, these pests can take over in no time. They are both destructive to your home and pose serious health risks. Like the roach, mice can cause damage to your home by chewing through almost any material, nesting in the walls or ceilings causing noise (usually at night), and leaving their droppings and urine everywhere. They are also masters at accessing your food and spreading their droppings in the worst places. There are at least seven dangerous and even deadly diseases that mice can spread to humans

Believe it or not, this is only the beginning of the pests that can infest your home by living in or near your gutters. Ants, wasps, earwigs, silverfish, flies, snakes, birds, and even possums can wreak havoc on your property and in some cases, your health.

Effective Prevention and Protection

No need to get bugged out about pest infestation, there are many ways to protect your home and prevent an invasion. Consider the following suggestions to avoid possible damage to your home or potential health problems.

Tree Trimming: Trimming trees and bushes on your property can decrease the amount of debris collected in your gutters. Depending on your climate and local landscape will determine how often you should be performing this task.

Maintenance: Regular cleaning of debris from inside your gutters can prevent blockages and moisture collection that can lead to damage and/or pest infestation.

Professional Inspection, Cleaning, and Maintenance: Some jobs are best left to the professionals. If you do not have the skills, the tools, or the time, consider having a professional gutter company perform regular inspections, cleanings, and maintenance. 

Install Gutter Guards: Gutter guards help prevent falling debris from clogging up your system and causing damage to your home and landscape. Perhaps just as important, they also prevent a possible pest infestation from a clogged gutter. 

Protect Your Home From Pests With Proper Gutter Maintenance

Keeping your gutters free of pests is critical in protecting your home and health. Protecting your home from pest infestations starts with proper gutter maintenance. By keeping your gutters clean, trimming nearby trees, and considering gutter guards, you can reduce the risk of pests making their way into your home. If you need professional help, reliable Charlotte gutter services can ensure that your gutter system is well-maintained, protecting your home from pests and potential damage.  
