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Few things in life are as exciting as purchasing a home. While being happy and excited, buying a home can also be one of the scariest and anxiety-ridden experiences of your life. Most of us are not experts in home inspection and may not be familiar with all the things to check. The roof of a home is one of the most important elements of the structure. An intact roof offers protection from the outside elements while balancing the climate of the interior. This guide has been created to help a home buyer understand what to look for to ensure they’re buying a home with a quality roof. Learning what to look for in a quality roofing system, this guide will help in making the right decision when purchasing a home. Learn what damage to look for when inspecting the interior and the exterior, and also other signs that a home’s roof is faulty. While being aware of the signs of damage, there are also a few things to look for that point to a roof in good condition. Use this guide to help determine if the roof on the home you are considering buying will protect you and your loved ones for years to come.  

What Is a Quality Roofing System?

There is much more to a roof than what meets the eye. The roof covering material, attic ventilation, attic insulation, and gutter systems all play a vital role in the proper functioning of a home’s roof. Let’s take a look at each of these components and learn what their purpose is and their role in maintaining a high-quality roof system. 

Roof Covering Material: There are many different roof covering materials. Common types of shingles are asphalt, metal, synthetic, and slate. Besides contributing to the aesthetic of the home, roof covering materials need to be able to protect the home from the outside elements. This includes rain, hail, snow, and wind, ensuring that the home stays dry. 

Attic Ventilation: There are many ways to ventilate a house. Ensuring your home has proper ventilation will help with balanced temperatures, moisture control, and energy efficiency. Different types of ventilation systems are ridge vents, gable vents, electric and solar vents, and whirlybird vents. Having the proper ventilation system for the climate you live in is essential for the proper protection of your home.  

Attic Insulation: Having proper attic insulation helps the roof system keep indoor temperatures stable and helps to keep energy costs low. Having a quality insulation material and proper thickness for your climate is key.

Gutter System: There are a variety of gutter systems that are used with home roofing systems. These gutter systems should be in good condition, free of debris, and provide proper roof drainage away from the building’s foundation. 

What Are the Signs of Damage

When deciding to purchase a home, there are many signs to look for to ensure the roof is in good condition. It is wise to make a checklist before performing an inspection. This will help you determine what kind of condition the roof is in and any potential costs for repairs that may be present. Signs may be found on the exterior and the interior of the home. Let’s look at signs from both vantage points, starting with the exterior.


  • Moisture damage (presented in dark spots or stains on the exterior of the home.)
  • Missing shingles
  • Disfigured shingles (cupped or curled)
  • Shiny spots on the roof (this indicates significant wear and means the fiberglass layer of the asphalt roof is exposed)


  • Moisture damage (stains on ceiling and walls)
  • Peeling paint
  • Mold or mildew
  • Light penetrating through the roof

Other Tips to Spot a Faulty Roof

Besides the obvious checklist items, there are other ways to check the roofing system of your potential home.

  • Ask the seller when the last time the roof was replaced. This will give you an idea of its age and potential lifespan.
  • Inspect from the roof to the foundation. Water damage can happen from top to bottom.
  • Check the attic if you can. Look for proper insulation, signs of water damage in the insulation, and even pest infestations.
  • Look for evidence of previous repairs (patches, mismatched shingles, uneven spots)
  • Inspect the gutters for grit from the shingles. It is normal to have some residue but a big collection is a sign of severe heat damage and deterioration. 

Positive Signs the Roof is in Good Condition

While inspecting for damage, there can also be positive indicators that the roofing system is in good condition. Look for the signs that suggest the roof is in good condition. These signs include:

  • The roof has a nice even/straight appearance
  • Minimal buildup of residue in the gutter system
  • No presence of algae growth
  • Intact shingles

A Solid Roof, A Secure Home

Protecting your purchase by ensuring your new home has a solid roof will keep you and your family safe and avoid unexpected expenses after you buy your home. Using the information provided, create a checklist to help identify any potential problems before the purchase. Even after performing a thorough inspection, it’s always wise to consult with an experienced, professional roofing company. A knowledgeable Ludington roof contractor can provide expert insights, help you identify hidden problems, and ensure the roof over your new home is in top condition. By taking these steps, you can move forward with peace of mind, knowing that your new home will be protected for years to come.
